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Brazilian Butt Lift in New York, NY

People who desire larger, more shapely buttocks but are turned off by the idea of implants may be ideal candidates for the Brazilian Butt Lift. A small, flat buttocks can prevent you from having the shapely curves you desire. The Brazilian Butt Lift uses natural, patient-harvested fat to expertly sculpt a round, voluptuous derriere.

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Patients seeking a Brazilian Butt Lift should be in good health and have realistic expectations about their results. The Brazilian Butt Lift can significantly improve the contour and shape of your butt using your own unwanted fat stores. People who consider a Brazilian Butt Lift usually have one or more of the following:

  • A flat butt that lacks shape or definition
  • A small butt that lacks volume or curves
  • Excess accumulations of fat on their:
    • Abdomen
    • Hips
    • Thighs
    • Back

Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

The Brazilian Butt Lift is performed with the patient under general anesthesia, which ensures a safe and painless procedure. To achieve a larger, more shapely butt appearance, Dr. Cha will remove excess fat via liposuction, and he then injects the tissue into the buttocks to create the desired shape.

Recovery and Results


You will experience bruising and swelling of your buttocks and at your liposuction site(s) following your surgery. A compression garment may be worn to improve the quality of your results. You cannot apply any direct pressure to the buttocks for at least two weeks following your surgery. After this time, you can sit in a modified position, only placing light pressure on the buttocks. Most patients can return to their regular activities six to eight weeks after their surgery.


Some of the initial volume may be lost in the first several months as your body absorbs some of the fat cells. Once this process is completed, the transferred fat is permanent and you will gain a long-term improvement in the shape and appearance of your buttocks.

If you would like to gain a more voluminous and round butt, please schedule your consultation with Dr. Cha today. Contact our office at (212) 717-2222 or fill out our online contact form for additional information.

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