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Facial Fat Transfer in New York, NY

Volume loss is often the result of collagen breakdown over time. It can play a dramatic role in creating visible signs of aging. Surgical procedures like facelift surgery can’t properly treat volume loss. Traditional non-surgical options, like BOTOX® Cosmetic and dermal fillers, don’t yield the natural, long-lasting results most patients seek. Facial fat transfer is ideal for patients wanting to restore lost volume to create a younger, fuller appearance.

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Candidates for Facial Fat Transfer

Ideal candidates for facial fat transfer are in good health and have realistic expectations about their results. To be considered for fat transfer surgery, candidates have areas of unwanted excess fat and a loss of volume in the face. Facial fat transfer may be right for you if you experience one or more of the following:

  • Definition loss around the cheeks or chin
  • Hollowed appearance around the eyes
  • Wrinkles around the nose and mouth
  • Adverse reactions to synthetic injections

Facial Fat Transfer Procedure in New York, NY

Facial fat transfer is performed as an outpatient procedure using either a local or general anesthetic. A gentle liposuction process harvests the fat, which is purified for transfer. Dr. Cha then uses fine needles to graft the fat into the face’s tissue layers to restore the lost volume. Dr. Cha’s fine needle technique for facial fat grafting gives him extra control for a more tailored result.

Areas Where Fat Is Harvested

People considering fat transfer must have adequate areas of fat storage. Popular areas where liposuction is used to harvest the fat include the following:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Back

Fat Transfer to the Hands

Your hands can reveal your true age just as much as your face can. Collagen loss in the hands can reveal pronounced tendons, veins, and bones. Fat transfer to the hands can restore a smooth and youthful hand appearance with the longest-lasting results possible.

Combining Procedures

Facial fat transfer can be combined with other facial procedures for patients with facial laxity and volume loss. The most commonly combined procedures are facial fat transfer and facelift surgery. Together, these procedures target the most common forms of aging. However, the fat transfer process can be combined with an eyelid lift or brow lift for total facial rejuvenation.

Recovery & Results

Recovery from Facial Fat Transfer

You will need someone to drive you home after your facial fat transfer procedure. You will experience bruising and swelling in your liposuction and fat transfer treatment areas. You should rest with your head elevated for several days following your procedure. You may need to wear a compression garment depending on what area of your body underwent liposuction. Most patients return to work within a week of their procedure and can resume their regular physical activities within three weeks. Most swelling subsides by six weeks.

Results Achieved With Facial Fat Transfer

The results of facial fat transfer are long-lasting. Unlike dermal fillers, which last between six and 12 months, fat transfer can achieve beautiful results that last for years. Most patients believe fat transfer to be a worthwhile, long-term investment since it typically erases years from their appearance.

If you want to restore a fuller, more youthful appearance through fat transfer, please schedule your consultation with Dr. Cha today. Contact our office at (212) 717-2222 or fill out our online contact form for additional information.


Facial Fat Transfer FAQ

How much does facial fat transfer cost in New York, NY?

The cost of fat transfer in New York City will depend on the amount of necessary revision, the associated fees such as anesthesia and facility, and if you have combined your procedure with any others.

Your facial fat transfer procedure in NYC will be customized to your specific concerns and goals. Dr. Cha will provide an accurate cost estimate for your procedure once a surgical plan has been developed and agreed upon.

Does facial fat transfer leave scars?

You may develop some visible scarring at the site of your liposuction. However, the incisions from the liposuction procedure are small, so the scars on the areas of your body where the fat is harvested will also be small. Dr. Cha generally places the liposuction incisions in the natural creases so the scars are easily hidden under clothing. Any visible scarring on the body will also fade over time with proper aftercare.

Since Dr. Cha uses fine needles for fat transfer injections to the face, most patients do not develop any visible scars on the face. If you develop any scarring, it will likely fade over time.

Is facial fat transfer painful?

Your facial fat transfer in NYC will be performed as an outpatient procedure using local or general anesthesia, so you will feel no pain during the process. There will be some discomfort during the first few days of your recovery, but this can be easily managed with over-the-counter pain medication and rest.

Is facial fat transfer safe?

Facial fat transfer is considered a safe and effective surgical procedure for restoring volume to the face. However, all surgical procedures carry some risk. Some patients may experience extensive swelling, bleeding, and bruising to either the donor or injection site. Following Dr. Cha’s recovery instructions for the best results is essential to avoid unnecessary risk.

Does facial fat transfer have any risks or side effects?

Some common risks or side effects of facial fat transfer include temporary swelling, bruising, and numbness. In rare cases, an infection or uneven fat absorption may occur. Choosing a skilled and experienced board-certified plastic surgeon for your facial fat transfer procedure can help minimize these risks.

How soon will I see the results of facial fat transfer?

Although some of your facial fat transfer results will be visible immediately after your procedure, it will take a few weeks for the swelling to subside and your final results to become apparent. Patience is key during your recovery period.

Are facial fat transfer results permanent?

While your body may reabsorb some of the transferred fat, a significant amount will remain in place permanently. However, touch-up facial fat transfer procedures may be needed for optimal results.

Are there any restrictions after facial fat transfer?

Generally, patients are advised to avoid sun exposure, excessive heat, and certain medications that may increase the risk of bleeding. Following Dr. Cha’s postop care instructions will help ensure optimal results.

Is fat transfer better than dermal fillers?

Each procedure has pros and cons, and the decision between one or the other is entirely personal. Both dermal fillers and fat transfer restore lost volume to the face to provide a youthful, more contoured appearance. Dermal fillers might be ideal for patients who want a less permanent solution, as the effects fade after a few months. Fat transfer is a more permanent solution that utilizes autologous fat (fat from your own body), so there is less risk for rejection.

How can I prepare for my facial fat transfer procedure in NYC?

Although facial fat transfer is a less invasive facial procedure than others, it is still surgery, so preparation is vital. To adequately prepare for your facial fat transfer procedure in New York City, you should do the following:

  • Avoid taking medications that may interfere with the procedure, as directed by your primary care physician and Dr. Cha.
  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet before and after surgery
  • Prepare all your recovery essentials to make the transition easier
  • Designate someone to drive you home from surgery
  • Arrange your work schedule to take time off as directed by Dr. Cha
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