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Neck Lift in New York, NY

Sun damage, heredity, lifestyle, weight fluctuations, and time all impact the quality and elasticity of your skin. When men and women examine the levels of their facial aging, they often overlook their neck; however, a neck with loose skin and vertical banding is one of the most telling features of a prematurely aged appearance. A neck lift smooths and tightens the neck region by removing excess skin and fat while repairing muscle laxity on the neck and jawline. This procedure can significantly improve the balance and youthfulness of your facial features.

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Candidates for a neck lift are individuals in good general health who do not smoke and have realistic expectations about their results. They desire the following:

  • Removal of vertical banding on the neck
  • Firmer, smoother skin
  • Elimination of excess fat
  • A defined jawline
  • A more youthful appearance
  • Facial balance and harmony


Neck lift surgery is an outpatient operation that is performed under general anesthesia and takes around two hours to complete. Incisions are made in inconspicuous locations around the ear area and underneath the chin, where excess skin is excised, underlying muscles are tightened, fat is resculpted, and tissues are repositioned. All incisions are then closed. Neck lift surgery can be a standalone procedure or performed in combination with a facelift to promote and ensure facial harmony and balance.

Recovery and Results


Swelling and bruising are expected after neck lift surgery. A support bandage is placed around the neck and lower face and should be worn to reduce swelling and promote proper healing. You should keep your head elevated and straight for the first week, especially while you rest. Depending on the physicality of the job, most patients return to work within one to two weeks after their procedure, and exercise can be resumed after four to six weeks.


Neck lift surgery results in a more toned and youthful appearance of the neck along with smoother skin and firmer neck contours. Most patients notice their full results after all of the swelling has subsided, which is usually within three months. Neck lift surgery does not halt the progression of aging; however, when paired with a healthy lifestyle and adequate sun protection, you can enjoy the results of your neck lift for years.

If you are interested in learning more about how to address your neck laxity, Contact our office at (212) 717-2222 or fill out our online contact form for additional information.

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