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Liposuction in New York, NY

Many men and women try to disguise their “trouble zones” with loose-fitting clothing, long sleeves, distracting patterns, and dark colors. Their skinny jeans, pre-pregnancy clothing, and swimsuits are safely stored in their closet in hopes that one day they can be worn again. Most of the time, aging, pregnancy, and weight gain prevent us from achieving the body shape and size we once had, and fat collects in places that diet and exercise can’t seem to reach. Liposuction fine-tunes these areas by eliminating unwanted fat, literally sculpting your body so that your attractive contours show through.

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Men and women considering liposuction should be in good health and have realistic expectations about their results. Liposuction can completely transform the contours of your body. People seek liposuction treatment to improve flabby areas that seem impossible to minimize with a healthy lifestyle. Liposuction can provide a dramatic improvement in the following areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Back
  • Chest/Breasts
  • Neck
  • Arms
  • Knees
  • Ankles


All liposuction procedures are performed with the patient under general anesthesia. To better define your body’s contours and eliminate excess fat, Dr. Cha will use gentle suction via a thin tube called a cannula. Fine incisions are created in the treatment area, through which the cannula is inserted. A back-and-forth motion is used to evenly remove fat from the treatment area. Dr. Cha’s liposuction technique focuses on creating attractive definition and highlighting your contours.

  • Tumescent Liposuction: A tumescent fluid is injected into the fat. This solution includes an anesthetic, which helps reduce pain. The fluid helps break up fat, reduces bleeding, and facilitates in fat removal.
  • Laser-Assisted Liposuction: Laser energy is used to loosen and liquefy fat for an easier and more gentle liposuction process.

Recovery and Results


Most patients can return to work and routine activities one to two weeks after liposuction. After the procedure, the area may be wrapped to help the skin conform to the new contours, and drainage tubes may be placed to remove any excess fluid. You should arrange for someone to drive you home and to assist you for the first day after surgery. Depending on the area treated, you should not bend over, exercise, or do any heavy lifting for the first six weeks.


Liposuction is designed to provide long-lasting fat removal. However, liposuction does not prevent additional weight gain, which can affect the quality of the results. It is recommended that patients follow a healthy lifestyle to maintain their results.

— Scarring

Fine incisions are used during the liposuction process and are usually placed in easily concealable locations. While patients may develop some visible scarring, it is likely to fade over time.

If you are looking to eliminate excess fat and improve the contours of your body, please schedule your consultation with Dr. Cha today. Contact our office at (212) 717-2222 or fill out our online contact form for additional information.

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