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When Will I Be Able to Show Off My New Breasts After Augmentation?

Posted July 26, 2023 in Breast Augmentation, Plastic Surgery

Breast augmentation is an exciting change — you’ve finally taken the plunge and decided to enhance your physical appearance and improve your emotional well-being.

Now, the fun part. You want to show off your new breasts!

woman holds grapefruits in front of chest to resemble breasts

While throwing on a bikini and heading to the beach immediately can be tempting, giving your new breasts time to heal fully is important.

Below, we will describe a realistic timeline for breast augmentation recovery so that you can plan your debut.

Breast Augmentation Recovery Timeline

Breast augmentation recovery is a unique experience for each patient, as everyone heals differently. While you must always follow the aftercare instructions your board-certified plastic surgeon provides, the general week-by-week breast augmentation recovery guide can help you manage your recovery and plan your surgery.

Week One

Immediately following breast augmentation surgery, you will need someone to drive you home and help you through the first 24 hours.

Remember, you will have just gone through an invasive procedure; therefore, you will be sore and unable to move like you usually would. You may need help with day-to-day activities like using the restroom, eating, or preparing for bed.

On the first day following surgery, you will be groggy from the anesthesia and possibly nauseous.

You will have bruising and swelling and may have to wear a breast compression garment for the first few weeks.

The Week One Takeaway:

  • Limit movement — no heavy lifting or bending
  • Rest as much as possible
  • Have someone take care of you for at least 24 hours
  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully, and remember to take any prescribed medication

Weeks 2 and 3

It’s generally agreed that the first week after breast augmentation surgery is the hardest. Once you get through that, you should be feeling much better.

Depending on the level of activity of your job, you can often return to work after week one. Discomfort should be much less, although you may still need some over-the-counter pain medications.

Swelling and bruising should be diminishing, although some will remain. At this point, you may engage in a light exercise like walking — it is important to maintain some movement to increase circulation and minimize the possibility of blood clots. Just remember to avoid any jumping, bending, or jarring movements.

The Weeks 2 and 3 Takeaway:

  • You will have more mobility, but remain careful with your movements
  • Swelling and bruising should be going down
  • Keep wearing your compression garments
  • Eat healthy — leafy greens and lean meats
  • Stay hydrated
  • Those with desk jobs can return to work

Week 4 and After

You will have a follow-up appointment with your surgeon around this time. Ask any questions you may have, including information you need about what activities are safe.

By this point, you should be feeling like yourself again.

Week 4 and After Takeaway:

  • Even after the week four mark, listen to your body. Healing takes time.
  • Continue to be cautious of excessive movements like jumping or bouncing to minimize the stress on the incisions
  • Always refer to your surgeon if you have any questions throughout your recovery process

When Do Breast Implants “Drop and Fluff”?

The above information mainly refers to your breast tissue and the body’s healing process. But what about the implants themselves? You might have heard of implants going through a process called “drop and fluff.” This refers to the implants settling in your body.

Immediately after your procedure, you may notice your implants sitting higher up on your chest or looking somewhat flatter than expected. This is common, as swelling makes your muscles and skin tighter immediately following surgery.

After a few weeks, the swelling will go down, your muscles will relax, and the breast tissue will acclimate. These help the implants “drop” to a more natural position on your chest. Additionally, they will settle into a rounder, softer shape.

This process will start around the time your swelling starts to decrease, usually around weeks two and three, but it can take three to six months for your implants to settle into their final shape and softness.

So, even if your swelling and bruising have gone down and you’re feeling like yourself again, your implants might not be in their best form for a few months after your surgery. Of course, your decision is your own whether you want to wait to show off your implants until they are fully “dropped and fluffed” or not.

Do You Want to Learn More About Breast Augmentation and Breast Augmentation Recovery in New York City?

Dr. Cha is a board-certified plastic surgeon with decades of experience in breast surgeries, including breast augmentation, breast lifts, and breast reductions. If you’re interested in breast augmentations in New York City, call us at (212) 717-2222.

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